03: Specially Designed Instruction
This Assessment activity will provide you with an opportunity to practice developing Specially Designed Instruction (SDI), using the 4th grade case study scenario and the SDI Development Tool. Reflect upon the Key Considerations you learned about in the module:
Effective SDI may include, as appropriate for the individual student:
- Instruction and Interventions
- Accommodations
- Supplementary Aids and Services
- Program Modifications
- Support for personnel
The SDI plan specifies the services provided, time/setting, resources/tools, inclusive training needs, and monitoring plan to support implementation with fidelity.
Specially Designed Instruction accelerates the student’s progress towards grade-level academic content standards and age-appropriate functional expectations by supporting mastery of IEP goals and objectives and access to ongoing instruction and assessment. A full SDI plan addresses all areas of need; this activity is focused on one area for demonstration purposes
Evaluate the scenario and determine of the components of SDI are evident. You will have the opportunity to review feedback at the end of the activity.
Answer the Challenge Question
Answer the SDI Challenge Question
It's time to answer the challenge question! Check out how others respond to the same question at the end of the activity.
Retake the Poll
Now that you have completed this module, please reflect upon your original responses to see if you would rate your comfort level differently.
SDI: Post-Module Poll
Rate your comfort level in developing specially designed instruction on a scale of 1-5, with 5 indicating highest level of comfort.