Part-Time MAT
The part-time Master of Arts in Teaching option is designed for career changers and for individuals who need more flexibility to earn teaching certification. This 39-credit option begins each semester and allows students to progress in the course work at their own pace within the 5-year time limit set for completion of the degree. Successful candidates are eligible for certification and earn the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT). As the final step in the program, candidates complete a full-time, 100-day clinical internship over two semesters during which time they are not allowed to hold outside employment, unless they are a full-time teacher in their own private or public school classroom.
If you have any questions, please click on the name of the faculty advisor below to send them an e-mail.
Faculty Advisors:
Mary Ellen Beaty-O'Ferrall
William Sowders
The internship is the most important part of the MAT program. Knowledge learned from coursework is applied to planning, instruction, assessment and other professional situations allowing interns the opportunity to analyze, synthesize, and reflect on their practice. The collaborative work of interns, mentor teachers, university supervisors and university faculty is integral to the process.
This section of the program site provides information and resources for interns, mentor teachers, and university supervisors. Guidelines and procedures for internships and suggestions for effective supervision of interns are also included. Please use the tabs on the left to view materials.
Field Placement Process
In order to expedite the placement process, students must submit a program-specific application through Tk20. Please see application deadlines below, Applications submitted after the deadline may require a postponement of field experience. (The platform used to apply, place, and evaluate interns is called Tk20 According to, this system provides comprehensive outcomes assessment systems that let you collect all your data systematically, plan your assessments, compare them against specified outcomes/objectives, and generate detailed reports for compliance, analysis, and program improvement.)
Student access Tk20 with their JHED ID, and instructions for use will be provided.
Summer and Fall Placements:
MARCH 15th
Step 1: Submit an Intent to Participate Form
Step 2: Application instructions will be provided when your form is received
Step 3: Submit your program specific application in Tk20 by the following deadlines:
Summer and Fall placements- March 15
Field Experience
The Field Experience Office coordinates the internship and practicum placements for students participating in the Teaching and Learning, Special Education, Counseling and Human Development, and School Administration and Supervision programs, within Professional Development Schools, partner private schools and in surrounding cooperating public school districts.
Placement in practicum and internship field experiences is an integral part of your program of study at the JHU School of Education. Information on this site is relevant for students whose program of study requires an internship or practicum placement. The field experience process begins one term prior to placement and the first step is to contact with your faculty advisor. Placement in school and community settings provides the opportunity for you to put your coursework knowledge into practice while refining your skills and collaborating with other professionals in the field.