DaSy: Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process Online Module  

Reflection Journal

Download the Reflection Journal to capture and record your thoughts and ideas. Remember to save your journal to your computer for future reference.




To bring closure to this session, take time to reflect on key ideas and respond to the Challenge Question posed during Set-Up. Download the Reflection Journal located in the callout box to the right and take a moment to jot notes to yourself on what you have learned about completing the COS process at exit.


In your reflection, respond to these questions:

  • Explain why we expect very few children to receive an answer of “No” to the progress question.
  • How is it possible for a child’s rating to go down between entry and exit, and the answer to the progress question be “Yes?”
  • Why is the understanding of a child’s individual progress more relevant for answering the progress question than understanding progress relative to peers?


At exit from the program, how would you explain to a child’s parents that their son has made progress even though his rating is the same as it was at entry?


Proceed to Conclusion next