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As noted in both the federal and state regulations that accompany the early intervention section of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), evaluation and assessment each have a specific purpose:


Purpose of Evaluation Purpose of Assessment
  • To determine a child's eligibility for a state's early intervention program
  • To review a child's status in five developmental areas: cognitive, motor, communication, social- emotional, and adaptive                                                                                      
  • To identify a child's unique strengths and needs
  • To assist a family to identify their concerns, priorities, and resources as the basis for developing an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) that will support them in fostering their child's development and participation in desired activities


Evaluation and assessment is a critical part of the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) process. Evaluation and Assessment is organized into three main areas:

  • Legal Requirements
  • Planning with Families
  • Comprehensive Evaluation and Assessment, including Documenting Eligibility

For details, please see the Evaluation and Assessment Module (Birth-3) Module.