Maryland Statewide Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Guide 2012  

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Supplementary Aids, Services, Program Modifications and Supports

Before recommending services for the student outside of the general education classroom or other general education setting, the IEP team must first consider supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports that can be provided to the student in general education classes or settings, or to school personnel on behalf of the student. Supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports may include the services of various providers, materials, devices, and instructional considerations.

Modifications are practices or procedures that change, lower, or reduce learning expectations. Modifications can increase the gap between the achievement of students with disabilities and expectations for proficiency at a particular grade level. Using modifications may result in implications that could adversely affect students throughout their educational career. Modifications include changes to the content, which affect what the student learns. Modifications include curricular changes in the content standards or the performance expectations. A continuum of accommodations should be used and evaluated for their effectiveness before moving to modifications.

Some students may require other support services, such as the service of a paraprofessional either in the general education classroom, in a special class, or other setting to address specific management issues related to behavior, health, communication, etc. In another situation a paraprofessional may be needed to address specific instructional areas. The same level of support is not necessary in all situations. A student may need support in a math class, but no additional supports during the remainder of the school day.

Other supplementary aids and services may include, but or not limited to materials, devices, and instructional adaptations, such as:

• Instructional considerations, i.e., cross-age tutoring, peer partnerships, 1:1 assistance and support
• Behavior intervention and support
• Instructional adaptations, i.e., adaptations in the manner in which information is presented, paced, or sequenced
• Curricular accommodations that change how a student accesses information and demonstrates learning
• Methods to measure performance, i.e., a calculator or word processor
• Curricular modifications, i.e., redesigning the size, breadth, or focus of the assignment
• Individualized supports, i.e., rephrasing questions and instruction, allowance for additional time to respond
• Additional time for movement between classes
• Special seating arrangements
• Curricular aids
• Provide time frame for assignments with interim dates for deliverables
• Allow re-test
• Computer assisted writing technology/software
• Electronic books
• Pre-written class notes, summaries, study guides, main idea summaries
• Organizational aids
• Delivery of consultative services (indirect) to staff on behalf of the student
• Professional development for staff and or parents

The services for each student should be tailored to address the unique needs that affect the student’s ability to make progress in the general curriculum. With respect to preschool students, the term “appropriate activities” refers to typical activities that students of that age engage in as part of a preschool program, i.e., coloring, story-time, pre-reading activities, play time, sharing, etc.

Through statewide monitoring activities, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services (DSE/EIS) has identified that the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) and the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities do not accurately reflect the service(s) to be provided. Specifically, it appears the frequency of service(s) of health related services are being quantified as a number of sessions per year. This practice does not reflect a clear or accurate accounting of expected service to enable the child’s parents, team members, and service providers to know exactly how often (frequency) or for how long (duration) a service is to be provided, as required by federal and State regulations [34 CFR §300.320(a)(7); and COMAR 13A.05.01.09A(1)(h)].

It is the responsibility of each local school system, local infants and toddlers program, and nonpublic special education facility to accurately reflect the frequency and duration of each session of service and to maintain accurate service logs of the service provided. The regulations for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) in the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) require the IEP or IFSP to accurately reflect the service(s) provided. Similarly, billing reimbursement requests (codes) must match the child’s IEP or IFSP (COMAR; and

The frequency and duration indicated as appropriate within the IEP must be tailored to address the unique needs that affect the student’s ability to make progress in the general curriculum. Factors such as “administrative convenience “ or specific staffing issues are not acceptable reasons for utilizing frequencies such as 20 times yearly or 20 times only. A more accurate description of the frequency of a service should be utilized to provide families and service providers a clear understanding of the frequency of service.

See Appendix H Technical Assistance Bulletin 21 Documentation of Delivery of Related Services for guidance relative to frequency

The student’s IEP should clearly identify the specific supplementary aids, services, program modifications and supports provided to the student or on behalf of the student. This includes services that are provided to parents or teachers to assist them in effectively working with the student.

Instructional Support(s)

Nature of Service: Instructional Support
Each supplementary aid, service, program modifications, or support must be identified.

• Allow use of highlighters during instruction and assignments

• Allow use of manipulatives

• Allow use of organizational aids

• Check for understanding

• Frequent and/or immediate feedback

• Have student repeat and/or paraphrase information

• Limit amount to be copied from board

• Monitor independent work

• Paraphrase questions & instruction

• Peer tutoring/paired work arrangement

• Picture schedule

• Provide alternative ways for students to demonstrate learning

• Provide assistance w/ organization

• Provide home sets of textbooks/materials

• Provide proofreading checklist

• Provide student w/ copy of student/teacher notes

• Repetition of directions

• Use of word bank to reinforce vocabulary and/or when extended writing is required

• Other: ______________________


Describes how often each service is to occur in terms of:

• Daily
• Weekly
• Monthly
• Yearly
• Only Once
• Periodically
• Quarterly
• Semi-Annually
• Other, ________________ (text field)

The frequency and duration indicated as appropriate within the IEP must be tailored to address the unique needs that affect the student’s ability to make progress in the general curriculum. Factors such as “administrative convenience “ or specific staffing issues are not acceptable reasons for utilizing frequencies such as 20 times yearly or 20 times only. A more accurate description of the frequency of a service should be utilized to provide families and service providers a clear understanding of the frequency of service.

See Appendix H Technical Assistance Bulletin 21 Documentation of Delivery of Related Services for guidance relative to frequency and duration.

Begin Date

The month, day and year this service will begin. This date must be equal to or after the IEP team meeting date.

End Date

The month, day, and year the service ends.


Indicate the total number of weeks of service.

The frequency and duration indicated as appropriate within the IEP must be tailored to address the unique needs that affect the student’s ability to make progress in the general curriculum. Factors such as “administrative convenience “ or specific staffing issues are not acceptable reasons for utilizing frequencies such as 20 times yearly or 20 times only. A more accurate description of the frequency of a service should be utilized to provide families and service providers a clear understanding of the frequency of service.

See Appendix H Technical Assistance Bulletin 21 Documentation of Delivery of Related Services for guidance relative to frequency and duration.



Indicate the provider/agency with the primary responsibility for the delivery, documentation and accountability for the provision of the service to the student with a disability.


If more than one provider/agency is responsible for the provision of the service, identify the other provider/agency responsible for delivery, documentation, and accountability for the provision of the service to the student with a disability.

Location and Manner of Delivery

Document the LOCATION and MANNER (how) in which supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports will be provided in the text field.

Nature of Service: Program Modifications(s)

Each program modification(s) must be identified:

• Altered/modified assignments
• Break down assignments into smaller units
• Chunking of text(s)
• Delete extraneous information on assignments and assessment, when possible
• Limit amount of required reading
• Modified content
• Modified grading system
• Open book exams
• Oral exams
• Reduce number of answer choices
• Reduced length of exams
• Remove “except” and “not” questions, when possible
• Revise format of test (i.e. fewer questions, fill-in-the-blank)
• Separate long paragraph questions into bullets, whenever possible
• Simplified sentence structure, vocabulary, and graphics on assignments and assessments
• Use pictures to support reading passages, whenever possible
• Other: ______________________


Describes how often each service is to occur in terms of:

• Daily
• Weekly
• Monthly
• Yearly
• Only Once
• Periodically
• Quarterly
• Semi-Annually
• Other, ________________ (text field)

The frequency and duration indicated as appropriate within the IEP must be tailored to address the unique needs that affect the student’s ability to make progress in the general curriculum. Factors such as “administrative convenience “ or specific staffing issues are not acceptable reasons for utilizing frequencies such as 20 times yearly or 20 times only. A more accurate description of the frequency of a service should be utilized to provide families and service providers a clear understanding of the frequency of service.

See Appendix H Technical Assistance Bulletin 21 Documentation of Delivery of Related Services for guidance relative to frequency and duration.

Begin Date

The month, day and year this service will begin. This date must be equal to or after the IEP team meeting date.

End Date

The month, day, and year the service ends.


Indicate the total number of weeks of service.

The frequency and duration indicated as appropriate within the IEP must be tailored to address the unique needs that affect the student’s ability to make progress in the general curriculum. Factors such as “administrative convenience “ or specific staffing issues are not acceptable reasons for utilizing frequencies such as 20 times yearly or 20 times only. A more accurate description of the frequency of a service should be utilized to provide families and service providers a clear understanding of the frequency of service.

See Appendix H Technical Assistance Bulletin 21 Documentation of Delivery of Related Services for guidance relative to frequency and duration.




Indicate the provider/agency with the primary responsibility for the delivery, documentation and accountability for the provision of the service to the student with a disability.


If more than one provider/agency is responsible for the provision of the service, identify the other provider/agency responsible for delivery, documentation, and accountability for the provision of the service to the student with a disability.

Location and Manner of Delivery

Document the LOCATION and MANNER (how) in which supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports will be provided in the text field.

Nature of Service:Social/Behavioral Support(s)

Each Social/Behavioral Support(s) must be identified:

• Adult support
• Advance preparation for schedule changes
• Anger management training
• Check for understanding
• Crisis intervention
• Encourage student to ask for assistance when needed
• Encourage/reinforce appropriate behavior in academic and non academic settings
• Frequent eye contact/ proximity control
• Frequent reminder of rules
• Home-school communication system
• Implementation of behavior contract
• Monitor use of agenda book and/or progress report
• Provide frequent changes in activities or opportunities for movement
• Provide manipulatives and/or sensory activities to promote listening and focusing skills
• Provide structured time for organization of materials
• Reinforce positive behavior through non-verbal/verbal communication
• Social skills training
• Strategies to initiate and sustain attention
• Use of positive/concrete reinforcers
• Other: ______________________



Describes how often each service is to occur in terms of:

• Daily
• Weekly
• Monthly
• Yearly
• Only Once
• Periodically
• Quarterly
• Semi-Annually
• Other, ________________ (text field)

The frequency and duration indicated as appropriate within the IEP must be tailored to address the unique needs that affect the student’s ability to make progress in the general curriculum. Factors such as “administrative convenience “ or specific staffing issues are not acceptable reasons for utilizing frequencies such as 20 times yearly or 20 times only. A more accurate description of the frequency of a service should be utilized to provide families and service providers a clear understanding of the frequency of service.

See Appendix H Technical Assistance Bulletin 21 Documentation of Delivery of Related Services for guidance relative to frequency and duration.

Begin Date

The month, day and year this service will begin. This date must be equal to or after the IEP team meeting date.

End Date

The month, day, and year the service ends.


Indicate the total number of weeks of service.

The frequency and duration indicated as appropriate within the IEP must be tailored to address the unique needs that affect the student’s ability to make progress in the general curriculum. Factors such as “administrative convenience “ or specific staffing issues are not acceptable reasons for utilizing frequencies such as 20 times yearly or 20 times only. A more accurate description of the frequency of a service should be utilized to provide families and service providers a clear understanding of the frequency of service.

See Appendix H Technical Assistance Bulletin 21 Documentation of Delivery of Related Services for guidance relative to frequency and duration.




Indicate the provider/agency with the primary responsibility for the delivery, documentation and accountability for the provision of the service to the student with a disability.


If more than one provider/agency is responsible for the provision of the service, identify the other provider/agency responsible for delivery, documentation, and accountability for the provision of the service to the student with a disability.

Location and Manner of Delivery

Document the LOCATION and MANNER (how) in which supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports will be provided in the text field.

Nature of Service: Physical/Environmental Support(s)

Each Physical/Environmental Support(s) must be identified:

• Access to elevator
• Adaptive equipment
• Adaptive feeding devices
• Adjustments to sensory input (i.e. light, sound)
• Allow extra time for movement between classes
• Environmental aids (i.e. classroom acoustics, heating, ventilation)
• Preferential locker location
• Preferential seating
• Reduce paper/pencil tasks
• Sensory diet
• Picture schedule
• Other: ______________________


Describes how often each service is to occur in terms of:

• Daily
• Weekly
• Monthly
• Yearly
• Only Once
• Periodically
• Quarterly
• Semi-Annually
• Other, ________________ (text field)

The frequency and duration indicated as appropriate within the IEP must be tailored to address the unique needs that affect the student’s ability to make progress in the general curriculum. Factors such as “administrative convenience “ or specific staffing issues are not acceptable reasons for utilizing frequencies such as 20 times yearly or 20 times only. A more accurate description of the frequency of a service should be utilized to provide families and service providers a clear understanding of the frequency of service.

See Appendix H Technical Assistance Bulletin 21 Documentation of Delivery of Related Services for guidance relative to frequency and duration.

Begin Date

The month, day and year this service will begin. This date must be equal to or after the IEP team meeting date.

End Date

The month, day, and year the service ends.


Indicate the total number of weeks of service.

The frequency and duration indicated as appropriate within the IEP must be tailored to address the unique needs that affect the student’s ability to make progress in the general curriculum. Factors such as “administrative convenience “ or specific staffing issues are not acceptable reasons for utilizing frequencies such as 20 times yearly or 20 times only. A more accurate description of the frequency of a service should be utilized to provide families and service providers a clear understanding of the frequency of service.

See Appendix H Technical Assistance Bulletin 21 Documentation of Delivery of Related Services for guidance relative to frequency and duration.




Indicate the provider/agency with the primary responsibility for the delivery, documentation and accountability for the provision of the service to the student with a disability.


If more than one provider/agency is responsible for the provision of the service, identify the other provider/agency responsible for delivery, documentation, and accountability for the provision of the service to the student with a disability.

Location and Manner of Delivery

Document the LOCATION and MANNER (how) in which supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports will be provided in the text field.

Nature of Service: School Personnel/Parental Support(s)

  Each School Personnel/Parental Support(s) must be identified:

• AT consult
• Audiologist consult
• Classroom instruction consult
• Coordination of support services for crisis prevention and interventions
• Extracurricular/non academic providers support
• Occupational therapist consult
• Orientation and mobility consult
• Parent counseling and/or training
• Physical education consult
• Physical therapist consult
• Psychologist consult
• School health consult
• Social worker consult
• Speech/language pathologist consult
• Travel training
• Other: ______________________



Describes how often each service is to occur in terms of:

• Daily
• Weekly
• Monthly
• Yearly
• Only Once
• Periodically
• Quarterly
• Semi-Annually
• Other, ________________ (text field)

The frequency and duration indicated as appropriate within the IEP must be tailored to address the unique needs that affect the student’s ability to make progress in the general curriculum. Factors such as “administrative convenience “ or specific staffing issues are not acceptable reasons for utilizing frequencies such as 20 times yearly or 20 times only. A more accurate description of the frequency of a service should be utilized to provide families and service providers a clear understanding of the frequency of service.

See Appendix H Technical Assistance Bulletin 21 Documentation of Delivery of Related Services for guidance relative to frequency and duration.

Begin Date

The month, day and year this service will begin. This date must be equal to or after the IEP team meeting date.

End Date

The month, day, and year the service ends.


Indicate the total number of weeks of service.

The frequency and duration indicated as appropriate within the IEP must be tailored to address the unique needs that affect the student’s ability to make progress in the general curriculum. Factors such as “administrative convenience “ or specific staffing issues are not acceptable reasons for utilizing frequencies such as 20 times yearly or 20 times only. A more accurate description of the frequency of a service should be utilized to provide families and service providers a clear understanding of the frequency of service.

See Appendix H Technical Assistance Bulletin 21 Documentation of Delivery of Related Services for guidance relative to frequency and duration.




Indicate the provider/agency with the primary responsibility for the delivery, documentation and accountability for the provision of the service to the student with a disability.


If more than one provider/agency is responsible for the provision of the service, identify the other provider/agency responsible for delivery, documentation, and accountability for the provision of the service to the student with a disability.

Location and Manner of Delivery

Document the LOCATION and MANNER (how) in which supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports will be provided in the text field.

Documentation to Support Decision

Documentation of the basis of the IEP team’s decision(s) relative to the student’s use of supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports for school personnel or parents, including a description of the manner in which the frequency of service will occur.

Please be advised that if the student’s specialized instruction and related service(s) occur in a setting or settings other than general education, and the IEP team has not considered the need for supplementary aids, services, program modifications and supports the IEP team must sufficiently document WHY the student CANNOT be educated in the general education setting with the provision of supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports.

Supplementary Aids, Services, Program Modifications, and Supports Considered

Specify the IEP team’s decision relative to the consideration of supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports, and the IEP team’s decision that NONE were needed at the time of the IEP Team Meeting.

YES – The IEP team determined the student does not require the provision of supplementary aids, services, program modifications or supports.

NO – The IEP team CONSIDERED the student’s need for supplementary aids, services, program modifications or supports and recommended appropriate services.


Discussion to Support Decision(s) (optional)

Documentation of the basis of the IEP team’s decision(s) relative to the consideration of supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports, and the IEP teams decision that NONE were needed at this time.

Please be advised that if the student’s specialized instruction and related service(s) occur in a setting or settings other than general education, and the IEP team has not considered the need for supplementary aids, services, program modifications and supports the IEP team must sufficiently document WHY the student CANNOT be educated in the general education setting with the provision of supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports and services.