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Technology, Equipment, & Materials

To prepare a learning environment that effectively implements technology, ensure the following:

• Devices and materials readily accessible in a place where students can get to them easily and quickly.
• Procedures for setting up and using technology are clearly known and practiced by everyone.
• Devices are ready for use.
• The teachers are proficient in using technology.
• Students have been give ample time to learn how and when to use tools.

Planning for daily use of Assistive Technology:

After assistive technology tools and strategies have been identified to support a student’s need, teams begin to look at the specific ways the student will use the devices for learning and participation in daily activities. There are four kinds of skills that all users of technology tools need to develop: functional skills, operational skills, strategic skills, and social skills.


Functional skills describe the area for which the technology was chosen such as reading, writing or math.
Operational skills are the skills needed to operate or use the technology.
Strategic skills describe the student’s ability to decide when to use the technology and when to use other strategies.
Social skills are the skills a student needs to use technology around other people and to help other people understand why he or she uses it.