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Crosswalk to Healthy Beginnings

This activity supports development in relation to the following Healthy Beginnings indicators:

  • Personal/Social A1
  • Language Development A1
  • Cognitive A1, A3
  • Physical Development A1, A2

Playtime Activity: 4-8 Months

Babies at this age are exploring cause and effect. For example, they love learning what will happen if they drop their bottle on the floor. Will it make a noise? Will Daddy pick it up for me? Introduce your baby to simple toys that do simple things with their help (e.g., a pop-up toy that requires the child to tap a button or flip a large switch; a musical instrument, such as a tambourine that jingles when the baby taps it, etc.). Your baby will start to understand that his actions can make things happen in the world, and that is a very empowering feeling!

Possible Intervention Strategies & Supports

  • The 4-5 month range is a good time to suspend toys with safety links from the handle of your baby’s carseat. While he still cannot hold objects for long, batting at them helps him learn about controlling his reach.
  • Small rattles that can easily be held are good to offer for play at this time, especially those that have items to spin or buttons to poke.
  • When your baby drops something on the floor, before picking it up, encourage him to look at the toy by looking at him first and then the floor. Point to the floor to help him look down. Use small phrases like, “uh-oh” or “it fell.”
  • When playing with a cause/effect toy, when the effect happens (e.g., something pops up) make a happy, joyful, excited noise or say a word that your child enjoys (e.g., “POP!”). You having fun with your child and sharing the experience will increase the likelihood that he will keep exploring and persisting when an effect doesn’t happen right away.


If you do not have access to a lot of cause/effect toys, remember that many items in your home can serve this purpose. For example, plastic dishes and wooden spoons are great combinations for musical instruments! Be mindful of the fact that your baby will still want to put many things in his mouth at this age, so keep a close eye on him to prevent choking.

Family Handout

Click here to download an editable one-page handout of this age range's playtime activity, interventions, and tips.