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Crosswalk to Maryland Early Learning Standards

This activity supports development in relation to the following Maryland Early Learning Standards:

  • Kindergarten Reading/Literature 1, 2, 5
  • Kindergarten Writing 3
  • Kindergarten Social Studies 6.A.2.b, 6.A.3.f
  • Social Foundations
    Remembers several key points in a story and then answers questions accurately

Bedtime Activity: 5 Years

As always, read with your child before bed. As you read, ask him to find simple words (e.g., “Can you point to the word 'dog'?”). If this is too difficult, ask him to find a word that starts with a certain letter or ask him to find a word that starts with same letter as the first one in his name. With unfamiliar stories, ask him to make a prediction based on the cover of the book (“What do you think will happen to the dog in this story?”). At the end of the story, ask him whether or not his prediction was accurate and why/why not. See if he can tell you at least three different events from the story. This will really help him sort and make sense of different types of information, which is great for his memory!

Possible Intervention Strategies & Supports

  • Your child may be starting to read by the age of 5…or not! If not, don't worry. Ask him to draw a picture (or a series of pictures) that “retells” the story. Then, ask him to dictate to you what happens in his story. If this is too stimulating for your child just before bedtime, try it during playtime the next morning.
  • Flashlight play before bed can be fun, help you child get comfortable in the dark, and work on writing control all at the same time! Have your child “draw” basic shapes or some letters knows on the wall or ceiling with the flashlight while he is settling down. Or, try teaching him how to make shadows on the wall with his hands.
  • Go on a letter hunt in books! First, focus on letters in your child’s name. As you read the story, have him search the pages for letters that are in his name.


Most public libraries have recommended reading lists for all ages. You should be able to find these online or in printed format at your local library. If you go to the children's section and ask the librarian to assist you, he will very likely be able to help you pick out age-appropriate books for your child.

Family Handout

Click here to download an editable one-page handout of this age range's bedtime activity, interventions, and tips.