- MD Online IEP System User Guide
- Orientation
- Getting Started
- Locating a Student's Case
- Student Compass: Aggregate Level
- Student Compass: Student Level
- Meetings
- IEP Development
- Identifying Information
- Eligibility
- Participation
- Present Levels
- Special Considerations
- Goals
- Services
- LRE and Placement Summary
- Additional IEP Functions
- Transferring and Exiting Students
- Forms and Logs
- Reports
- Additional Case Level Functions
- County Level/Data Manager Functions
- Managing User Accounts
- Editing Demographic Information
- Technical Support & Troubleshooting
Maryland Online IEP System 2015
The MD Online IEP system was established in July 2005 and the Maryland Statewide IEP form and format has been released each year to reflect changes indicated in IDEA and COMAR regulations. Any change to the Maryland Statewide IEP form is incorporated into the MD Online IEP system. The 11th version (v11) is available as of July 1, 2015. This user guide provides a step-by-step demonstration of all elements of the MD Online IEP system which includes any updates applied to the system as of July 1, 2015.
Maryland Online IEP System
In April 2003, the Maryland State Legislature mandated the development of a uniform IEP form to be used throughout all schools in Maryland. In response to this common form and format that was developed, MSDE partnered with CTE to build a web-based online IEP system that collects all critical data fields, provides forms to support the IEP process and reports. It enables local leaders to have access to “real-time” special education data and automatically report essential data to the SSIS system. A standard format eliminates the problems inherent in disparate data collection methods and assists students and families to transition easily between school districts within the state.
The MD Online IEP system facilitates the IEP process including IEP development, scheduling meetings, tracking timelines, and reporting. The system produces and maintains one complete record of IEP information for each child. The result is a high level of data integrity and accuracy from which educators and the families they serve can make effective decisions.
The MD Online IEP system:
- Is web-based and accessible to authorized users anytime, from any internet-connected computer
- Data is maintained on a secure server to assure the confidentiality of student information
- Provides real-time IEP data to school, district, and state personnel
- Maintains records which are unique, unduplicated, and permanent
- Offers search capabilities to “find” a child (one child, one record)
- Meets the requirements of Part B of IDEA and COMAR
- Features a user-friendly interface with definitions and technical support
- Links to school district student information systems
- Eliminates the need for separate SSIS data record updates by the LSS.