- MD Online IEP System User Guide
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- Getting Started
- Locating a Student's Case
- Student Compass: Aggregate Level
- Student Compass: Student Level
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- Identifying Information
- Eligibility
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- Present Levels
- Special Considerations
- Goals
- Services
- LRE and Placement Summary
- Additional IEP Functions
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- Additional Case Level Functions
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Goals can be added, deleted, or edited and Progress on goals can be documented from here. Once an IEP has been closed, goals can no longer be added, deleted or edited.
1. Select Goals from the IEP Table of Contents or from the navigation drop-down list in the section title located on each of the IEP page.
2. Complete the notification method: How will the parents be notified of the student’s progress toward the IEP goals? How often? Click Save Notification Method button to be notified that the selections have been saved. This information will apply to ALL IEP Goals.
3. To add a goal, select the Add Goal button to display the Add Goal page.
4. Choose a Category and Area to match an area assessed within the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance section of the User Guide. Assessment information from there will appear as a Description of the area affected by disability to assist with writing a goal to match the needs identified in the assessments.
Tip: Goals can be accessed from the Area Assessed screen to enter a goal that matches the Category and Area assessed.
Note: If a goal is entered for an area assessed not yet completed the final audit will require a Category and Area be completed in Areas Assessed that matches the Category and Area of the goal.
5. Enter the goal in the Goal text field.
6. Enter a date in the By date field to indicate the date by which the student is target to achieve this goal.
7. Select an option from the Evaluation Field for how the goal will be evaluated.
8. Select the prescribed change from the options in the With field. Enter the details to support the prescribed change chosen.
Enter the date in the Target Date field for when the goal will be reached. Enter the date in the Start Date field for when the goal will initiate.
9. If the student is eligible for ESY and this goal will be included in those services, answer YES to ESY Goal?
10. Click the SAVE button. After clicking the SAVE button, the Goal page will be displayed and the following options will appear: Edit or delete the goal. Editing the goal will allow for objectives to be added and to align the goal with Maryland’s College and Career-Ready Standard. Also, track progress, or add another goal are options.
11. To add objectives, click the edit button on the Goal page next to the goal that is in need of objectives. Click the Add Objective button in the Objectives section to enter the associated objective in the Add Objective page. If additional objectives are associated with the goal, click the Add Objective button to add additional objectives. Objectives can be modified by clicking the Edit button from the Goal page.
12. If the IEP goal is Academic, then complete the information In the Alignment section. Select the Subject area, Grade, and Strand to see the list of Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards. Select the Maryland’s College and Career–Ready Standards that the goal supports.
Note: By linking the goal to Maryland’s College and Career–Ready Standards, additional reporting capabilities can be gained to provide insight and assist with students making progress towards reaching IEP goals.
13. To add progress notes to the goal, choose Track Progress next to the goal to be monitored in a closed IEP or IEP Amendment. Add information and click the SAVE button. Once two progress updates are made a spark chart will appear on the Goals and Monitoring page. For more information about printing goal progress report, see Print IEP or Progress Report on IEP Goals.
Note: Every goal must have at least one objective to support it.