Welcome to Learning Modules!
Imagine walking into an early learning program and you are immediately impressed by what you are seeing. All young children are actively engaged—interested, motivated, and challenged—in the learning process. You see the educator involving the children in the learning activities with the use of strategies and tools to help them understand and take part in the activities. How is this so?
Early childhood educators and providers have learned how to use evidence-based strategies and knowledge to set up learning opportunities for young children. They have also taken great care with the design of the physical environment - the spaces in the room, the lighting, the learning centers, even sounds and scents can enhance learning. Join us as we explore a variety of concepts and strategies designed to build inclusive opportunities where all young children can demonstrate their abilities and participate in learning with their peers
In order to help you keep track of information, ideas, and other thoughts as you go through the learning module(s), you will the note-taking forms in the different sections. Please feel free to print out any of the forms you find, such as the form below:
DAP Printable Note-taking Form
Review the video to learn more about what to expect as you go through each module. Then, select one of the topics to begin.