01: What is Developmentally Appropriate Practice?
Intentionality in DAP
Now that we have defined DAP, let’s talk about why it is important to intentionally create developmentally appropriate practices in our child development programs. NAEYC points out that “every day, early childhood practitioners make a great many decisions, both long-term and short-term. And as they do so, they need to keep in mind the identified goals for children’s learning and development and be intentional in helping children achieve these goals.
The core of developmentally appropriate practice lies in this intentionality, in the knowledge that practitioners consider when they are making decisions, and in their always aiming for goals that are both challenging and achievable for children” (NAEYC, 2009, p. 9). Therefore, when considering the intentionality of creating developmentally appropriate practices, there are three key considerations we need to remember:

First, we need an understanding of child development and learning

First, we need an understanding of child development and learning
This means that we are able to make predictions about the skills and development of different age groups. This information helps inform how we set up our physical environments, the materials we have available, and the activities we will be introducing.

Second, we also need to know what is individually appropriate for each student

Second, we also need to know what is individually appropriate for each student
This includes each child’s specific interests, abilities, and developmental progress. We gain this information by observing each child in our classes, asking their families for important information, and looking at the progress that each child makes. With this individualized information, teachers can make individually appropriate adjustments as needed.
What are some ways that can help ensure that we think through the intentionality of our practice? Share your thoughts and ideas!