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Interactive Features

This tutorial is embedded with various interactive features to help facilitate your understanding of the content and promote active engagement. Some of the features also serve as self-assessment mechanisms. Below are descriptions of the interactive features that you will encounter throughout the tutorial:

  • Links to helpful websites and downloadable resource documents
    • When you see blue text anywhere in the tutorial, this means that there is an embedded link to an outside website or downloadable resource. When you click on the link, you will be directed to the outside website or resource through a new internet browser or application (e.g., Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Word) window. To exit the outside website or close the resource, simply click on the "X" in the upper right corner of that window.
  • Multiple choice "Check for Understanding" self-assessments
    • In each main content area of the tutorial, you will have the opportunity to take brief Check for Understanding assessments. These assessments are designed to provide you with immediate feedback on your performance; however, the "score" you receive is not saved in the Online Learning Management System (OLMS; i.e., the electronic platform in which the tutorial exists). These are simply intended to be quick probes for your own self-monitoring purposes.
  • Culminating Case Study
    • At the conclusion of the tutorial, you will have the opportunity to engage in a case study activity. The case study is designed to present you with a variety of authentic artifacts related to a "mock" child and family newly entering a local Infants and Toddlers program. After reviewing the case study artifacts, you will be prompted to self-assess your ability to apply the information learned from completing the tutorial to the COS decision-making process.