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Dylan--A Case Study Activity

For this culminating activity, you will proceed through an interactive case study on a 26-month-old child named Dylan and his family. You will be presented with a variety of information about Dylan and his development, as gathered from his parents and direct assessment during the initial evaluation process. Ultimately, you will learn that Dylan was found eligible to receive early intervention services and will be asked to identify appropriate entry COS ratings for him in each of the three early childhood outcome areas (based on what you know from the case study).


To get started, click here to download and print the COS Worksheet. (You can also leave the document open and ready to edit/save on your computer vs. printing.) Use the worksheet to record information about Dylan as you progress through the case study. You will want to be able to reference these notes when deciding on ratings. When you are ready to begin reviewing the case study, simply click on the "Open Case Study" button below. Click on the numbered pages (found in the lower left corner of the opened case study window) to work your way through the various artifacts. The last page of the case study will provide you with prompts for deciding on appropriate ratings.

Open Case Study