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TIPS: Organizing & Sharing

  • Explore a Web 2.0 tool such as SlideBoom or SlideShare to disseminate your UNITED Protocol
  • Upload your UNITED Protocol to the ELC
  • Save/Upload your presentation to a location with public access (personal website, school server, etc.)

Learning Together

The purpose of this Learning Together activity is to gain experience in completing a UNITED Protocol and to lay a solid foundation for your learning partnership / team.  Each member brings a wealth of knowledge and a life of experience to your collaboration. The goal is to maximize and combine the strength and potential of your individual understandings and talents to execute effective data-analysis and make decisions that improve results for all students, including those with special needs.  Through your “united” team effort, you can achieve more than you can achieve on your own. That translates into success for you, your partnership(s), your team, and your school district, school, and/or students.


1) Download the UNITED Protocol PowerPoint. Collaborate with your partner(s) and work through the six-step protocol. Instructions for completing the protocol are located in the section below the presentation slides. Read the instructions and work together to record responses on each slide. Your collaborative effort results in a formal presentation of your team.


  • After downloading the UNITED Protocol template, be sure to rename your presentation and save it often.

2) View your presentation and add enhancements (sound, images, etc.) to create a formal presentation to share with your school leaders, your students, parents, or other members of your school community.


3) Consider ways you can share your presentation with your professional community. Suggestions are located in the Organization Tips callout box to the right. This list includes suggestions of ways to save artifacts and documentation of your work and progress throughout the Boundless Learning professional development.