Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2015 (v11)  

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Understanding the MD Online IEP

The Structure of the MD Online IEP system can be understood as two components or modules:  Student Compass and IEP Module.

1.  The Student Compass is the module displayed upon logging into the system that has all the supporting information surrounding the IEP.


Student Compass


2.  The IEP Module is the module to begin an IEP, to continue to develop, or to review a prior IEP associated with the case. 

 Table of Contents

Each component has unique features but also has commonalities. Searching for a student's case is possible from either component using the Look Up Student search feature at the top of the page as well accessing the user guide and process guide through the Help function. Accessing forms or logs for a student and creating reports is only available in the Student Compass Module.  A Student Compass link in upper left of the the IEP module will return the user to the Student Compass Module.  Entering data into a student's IEP can only be accomplished from the IEP Module.  This Guide will explain the features of each.


For a visual look at the MD Online IEP system and its components, see the Structure of the MD Online IEP system document.

Note:  Searching for a case can be done in the Student Compass module or by using the Search button at the top of each page in both the Student Compass and IEP Module. The Structure of the MD Online IEP link displays a word document pictoral of the system. 

Data Structure within MD Online IEP System

Student demographic data is available to the MD Online IEP system from local school systems who provide a periodic upload of student information.  This can occur as often as nightly and the frequency is determined by the local school system.  Once the student demographic data is available, it can be brought to case level. At this level all forms and reports as well as development of the IEP are possible.  The demographic data recorded at case level can be uploaded into a student's IEP by choosing the Copy Demographic Data on the Student and School Information screen of the IEP.


Below is a graphic display of the three levels of the MD Online IEP system: