Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2015 (v11)  

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Starting a New IEP

Starting a new IEP is labeled Next IEP.


If the student does not have an Active IEP, the Next IEP section with the IEP Table of Contents is automatically displayed after clicking the IEPs button.

If the student has an Active IEP, then the click the Next IEP section to begin creating the new IEP. 


The Next IEP is the draft or working copy of the IEP and will remain until the IEP is closed. 




Working on a Draft IEP

Any IEP or Amendment IEP not yet closed is considered a draft IEP.  This allows the user to begin developing an IEP or amending an IEP, saving the added information and returning later to complete the document or close the IEP.  To access a draft IEP choose Next IEP.  To access a draft amendment, choose Amendment.


TOC Amendment