Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2015 (v11)  

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Create Child

The Create a Child functionality to add the student to the MD Online IEP system is located in Students section of  Student Compass.  Click on the Add a New Case section on the far right.


Students who are not included in the student demographic file that is uploaded nightly by the local school system (LSS) to the MD Online IEP system can be added to the MD Online IEP system. Only a County Level/Data Manager level user and a School Based Administrator with Can Create Child permission may add students to the MD Online IEP system. Additionally, nonpublic users may only add students to the IEP system who are from local school systems NOT using the MD Online IEP system. Students from LSS’s using the MD Online IEP system must be placed in the nonpublic school by a MD Online IEP user from the LSS.


1.  Use the Search page to search the Student Information System Database for the student.


Create a Child


2.  Upon completion of an unsuccessful search for a case through Add a New Case, a Create Child button will be an option on the page.


Create a New Child


3.  Enter all information on the Create a Child page to add the student to the MD Online IEP system.


Add SIS Record


4.  After a student record is created, the IEP Summary page will appear with the students information.  The IEPs button can be clicked to initiate completing the IEP.


IEP Summary


Note:  If the following error message appears “There already exists a different record with the same information." when attempting to Create a Child, the message will indicate where the student's record is located. If the record is in a different school in the LSS or if the student's record is in a different LSS, your MD Online IEP administrator can work to have the record transferred to the appropriate school.