Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2015 (v11)  

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Transferring between Local School Systems

Transferring a student between two school systems is a two-step process:


1. An Exit Record must be created.

To create an Exit Record, select Amendment from the IEP Module.




Complete the appropriate Exit Date and Exit Category at the bottom of the Student and School Information page of the IEP and click the SAVE button. The end date for each service in the IEP will be automatically updated to match the Exit Date


Exit Date


Close the Amendment.


2.  Transfer the record.

From the Profile page, choose View/Edit Demographics and change the Resident County and Resident School to reflect the student’s new school system and school and click the SAVE button. The student’s record will immediately be exited from special education in your local school system and his/her IEP will be transferred to the new school system.


Note: Resident County includes all local school systems as well as the following:

Adult Correctional Facilities

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Maryland School for the Deaf

Maryland School for the Blind

Maryland State Department of Education/Juvenile Services Education

SEED School of Maryland


If a student is attending school in one of the facilities listed above, the Resident County and School cannot be a local school system but should reflect the facility in which the student attends school.


Note:  Once the transfer is complete, the record will no longer be available to the sending school system. It is important to note the warning that appears in red on the screen as well as the pop up reminder that appears when clicking the SAVE button. The Exit Record needs to be submitted by the school system the student is leaving prior to the transfer of the student's record.