Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2015 (v11)  

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Child Count Eligibility Codes

Select one of the following Child Count Eligibility Codes:

1.  Eligible student with a disability served in a public school or placed in a nonpublic school by the public agency to receive FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education). This will create an IEP.

2.  Eligible parentally placed private school student with a disability receiving special education and/or related service(s) through a service plan from the public agency. This will create a Service Plan.

3.  Eligible parentally placed private school student with a disability NOT receiving service from the public agency. This will create an Eligibility 3 Status Report.

4.  Eligible public school student with a disability not receiving services due to parent refusal of initial services.  This will create an Eligibility 4 Status Report.

6.  Eligible student with a disability prior to age 3.  Parent Consent-Continue Early Intervention Services through an IFSP.  This will create an Extended Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) Option Report.


Child Count Eligibility Codes


Tip:  The Child Count Eligibility Codes determine whether the document will print as an IEP, Service Plan, or Eligibility 3, 4 or 6 Status Report.  For additional information, see Additional IEP Functions.

Service Plans

The MD Online IEP can also create a Service Plan or an Eligibility 3, 4 or 6 Status Report.


Creating a Service Plan

 The creation of the Service Plan is made by selecting Child Count Eligibility Code 2 on the LRE page. This can be done at any time during the development of the Service Plan.


Service Plan Code

    Once a code is selected, a dialog box will appear to indicate that a Service Plan is going to be created. Click the OK button to proceed.

    On the Print Selection Screen, note that a reduced number of section options for printing are available.


Service Plan Print screen


Eligibility Status Reports

The creation of the Eligibility 3 or 4 Status Report is made by selecting Child Count Eligibility Code 3 or 4 on the LRE page. This can be done at any time during the development of the Eligibility 3 or 4 Status Report.

Special Educ Status Report
Once you select that code, the tool will remind you that you are creating an Eligibility 3 or 4 Status Report. Select OK to proceed.

On the Print Selection Screen, you will note that you have a reduced number of section options for printing.

Special Educ Status Report