Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2015 (v11)  

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Inactivate Records

County Level/Data Managers with “Edit Demographics” permission have the ability to inactivate records at the case level. This may be helpful to "hide" student records when running from some of the reports.  Examples of reasons to inactivate a record could be:

• the student has graduated

• the student has moved but the local school system does not have a request for records from a new school system

• the student has been exited from receiving special education services


1.  From the Student section, click Case Matrix


2.  Using Search tab, enter the student search criteria to locate the student's record. The search will be of students in the IEP database.

3.  After searching for the student record, there will be a list of possible matches with the option to Inactivate the record to the right of the student's name. 


If the current record has been inactivated, there will be the option to reactive the record on this screen.


Note:  Clicking on the word Inactivate will inactive the case; whereas, clicking on the word Activate will make the case active again.


Inactivate Student