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Phase 2 


Phase 2: Step Up, Accelerate, builds on the solid foundation of teaming set in Phase 1, as co-teachers continue to implement and hone the TBCI lesson structure in their classroom. Additionally, Phase 2 strengthens the team's ability to accommodate a wide variety of needs in the classroom, and provides time to track goals and gain momentum as a partnership. With a focus on differentiation and data-driven instruction, teachers explore and implement efficient tools which help track student growth, plan for a range of learners, and revisit their co-teaching team's mission, vision and goals. Tools, protocols, techniques and ideas introduced during Phase 2 include: 

  • Student Compass/ClassVIew
  • Instructional Strategies Bank
  • Snapshot Data Tool
  • TEAMS Meeting Protocol

Co-Teaching Competencies

Teachers are expected to continue to fulfill the competencies of Phase 1, focused on cultivating a strong team and implementing the TBCI with fidelity.  In Phase 2, the following new competencies are introduced and assessed in the Phase 2 Performance Rating.


VIII.  Use the Student Compass/ClassVIew to organize and monitor accommodations, modifications, and specialized instruction/behavioral strategies to support students with special needs. (OLE S1) 

IX.  Monitor student progress frequently using "real-time" data to accelerate learning among all students. (OLEs S2 and S3)

X. Use the TEAMS Meeting protocol routinely to guide instructional planning. (OLE S3)


For a complete list of the Boundless Learning Co-Teaching Competencies, click here. 


Online Learning Events (OLEs) and PD Boosters


OLE S1: Student Compass/ClassView

This OLE introduces the Student Compass/ClassView tool and its accompanying Instructional Strategies Bank, and focuses on selecting and tracking appropriate instructional materials and techniques to meet a wide range of needs in the classroom. The Student Compass/ClassView and Instructional Strategies Bank guide teachers to identify specific tools and techniques to help all students learn, and ensure that students with disabilities are provided appropriate accommodations to meet their IEP goals.


OLE S2: Monitoring Progress to Accelerate Learning

This OLE introduces the Snapshot Data Tool - a resource designed to help teachers efficiently organize and use current student progress data for planning differentiated instructional activities. As the designated Data Manager, the special educator plays an important role in the co-teaching partnership by gathering and organizing the assessment information to be analyzed by the co-teaching team.


OLE S3: Conducting Productive Meetings to Accelerate Learning

This OLE introduces the TEAMS Meeting Protocol - a structured approach to a 30 minute meeting that takes place monthly or at the end of a unit of instruction. The TEAMS Meeting is designed for productivity and instructional decision making. Teams examine co-teaching mission and goals, assess student performance, and target improvement of the co-teaching team. 


Each OLE is followed by a corresponding PD Booster which prepares teachers to transfer new knowledge and skills into classroom practice. PD Boosters offer specific, helpful tips for program implementation as well as additional resources to extend learning in the area of the OLE.


Performance Rating

After completion of the Phase 2 OLEs (S1, S2 and S3) an administrator/facilitator conducts the Phase 2 Performance Rating for each co-teaching team. The Performance Rating addresses seven of the ten Boundless Learning Co-Teaching competencies and assesses the team through the same three-step process used in Phase 1. After completing all three steps of the Performance Rating, the administrator/facilitator tallies the three subtotals to determine a final rating for each team. The three-step process is described below:


Step 1:  Online Performance

Co-teachers are provided a rating based on their completion of the required activities in OLEs S1, S2, and S3. Completion of activities is determined based on a report provided by JHU/CTE at the end of Phase 2. Online activities for each OLE include:

  • Completion of the OLE Team Products:
    • Student Compass/ClassView
    • Snapshot Data Tool
    • TEAMS Meeting Protocol
  • Participation in online discussions. 
  • Completion of OLE Assessments.
  • Completion of all activities within the OLE begin and end dates. 

Step 2:  Fidelity of Implementation of the TBCI  

Co-teachers are provided a rating based on their implementation of the Team-Based Cycle of Instruction during a lesson observation. Implementation is assessed using the the TBCI Look Fors


Step 3:  Discussion of Application of Boundless Learning Principles, Protocols and Tools

Co-teachers are provided a rating based on their application of principles, protocols, and tools during a discussion that is scheduled after the Fidelity of Implementation lesson observation. During this meeting co-teachers reflect on TBCI Implementation and discuss demonstration of the BLCT competencies.

  • TBCI Reflection: Teachers answer questions about what went well and what they would like to change about the lesson, and discuss any areas where they would like support. Administrators provide constructive feedback verbally and in writing. This section is not rated.
  • Demonstration of Competencies: The co-teaching team reflects on the content of the OLEs and shares how they are integrating the new tools (ClassView, Snapshot Data Tool, TEAMS Meeting) into their daily, weekly, or monthly practice. Each competency in this section is rated using the H-O-T scale and totaled to determine the performance rating for your team’s application of the principles, protocols and tools.

The three-step Performance Rating for Phase 2 is recorded on the form below. 



TBCI Form for Walk-Throughs and Self-Assessment


During informal Walk-Throughs, your administrator/facililator will use the form below to provide feedback. You are also encouraged to use this form to self-assess your implementation of the Team-Based Cycle of Instruction as a co-teaching team on a regular basis. You can use this form to target areas of improvement and identify areas of strength.