What is Developmental Screening?
In preschool special education, evaluation and assessment should not be confused with the process of screening. Screening includes procedures or activities to identify children who may need further evaluation in order to determine the existence of a delay in development or a particular disability. Screening involves the administration of appropriate instruments (reliable, valid, and designed for the purpose of screening) by qualified personnel in order to determine whether further more comprehensive evaluation is warranted. In Maryland, numerous community partners may provide developmental screening including pediatricians, early childhood mental health consultants, Judy Centers or Head Start programs. These screenings are provided prior to referral and, if concerns are noted, they may be the trigger for referral to Child Find/preschool special education.
In a preschool special education classroom, screening may be used for instructional purposes in order for a teacher or specialist to determine appropriate instructional strategies for curriculum implementation. Screening is typically a relatively simple and quick process that can be used with groups of children. Because such screening is not considered an evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services, parental consent is not required [34 CFR §300.302].