MD Online IEP System Instructional Series  

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A significant amount of data is collected from closed IEPs in the MD Online IEP System.  Utilizing that data to determine how a student, school or school system is performing is one possible outcome of accessing the Reports section in the system as well as the Monitoring sections.   The presentation will take you on a guided tour of the Reports section and show you how data from individual student progress reports can be displayed in a meaningful way.





S - Sit and organize resources needed to complete this PD Activity:

  • Access to MD Online IEP System
  • Access to MD Online IEP User Guide

E - Examine directions:

  • Think about your prior experiences with the MD Online IEP System.

T - Take the Challenge!  The Challenge Question guides the content included in this PD Activity:


How can Goal Progress Monitoring be utilized by a service provider, school administrator or school system administrator to improve the performance of students with disabilities?



**You will be asked to reflect on your response at the end of the PD Activity.**

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