Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2015 (v11)  

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Adding a Service

Add services to a student's case by selecting Services from the IEP Table of Contents or from the navigation drop-down list in the section title located on each of the IEP pages to display the Services page.  Click the Add Service button.



The screen will refresh and will look like the Add New Service page below.




Tip:  For 11 or 12 month students, or for students who have different service delivery models based on school schedule (block scheduling, for example), it can be helpful to list the same service more than once to stagger beginning and ending dates.

For example, a high school student may receive 10 hours a week of special education instruction in the fall semester (August-December), and 5 hours a week of special education instruction in the spring semester (January-June). In this case, Special Education Instruction would need to be entered twice with details specific to each semester. The same would hold true of a summer sessions (11th or 12th month, but not considered ESY) if not the same as services offered during the school year.

Each service entry will print/list separately on the IEP.


ESY services can be added at the bottom of the screen if "Is this an ESY Service?" is answered YES.

Special Transportation

If Transportation is indicated as a related service, it can be added on the Services section of the IEP.  Begin by choosing Add Transportation as a Related Service button on the Services screen.  Complete the data screen and click on the Save button.  Transportation can be added for ESY by answering YES to the question "Is this an ESY service?" at the bottom of the screen.

