Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2015 (v11)  

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Service Description

Each service is further defined by Location, Number of Sessions, Length of Time, Frequency, Date Range, Duration, and Provider(s).


Service Description


1.  Location: Indicate whether the service will be provided in or outside general education

2.  Number of Sessions: Number of Session is required for any Related Service.
However, in order to have the system accurately calculate the Time Outside General Education on the Least Restrictive Environment page, Special Education Services should also indicate the Number of Sessions.


3.  Length of Time: Indicate the number of hours and/or minutes for each session to be provided.


4.  Frequency: This is taken into consideration when calculating the percentage of the school day the student is in general education.


5.  Service date:  These dates record the date range the service will be provided.  See Note below for additional information.


6.  Providers:  Providers can include anyone who will be responsible for the delivery of the service.


Answer the ESY question at the bottom of the screen.  If YES is chosen, the screen will expand to enter ESY service information.


Note: In certain cases, it may be helpful to list the same service more than once to stagger beginning and ending dates.

For example, a high school student may receive 10 hours a week of special education instruction in the fall semester (August-December), and 5 hours a week of special education instruction in the spring semester (January-June). In this case, Special Education Instruction would need to be entered twice with details specific to each semester.


Tip:  It can be easier to complete service provision details in the following order: Number of Sessions, Service Time, Frequency. Example: Two 30 minute sessions, weekly.