Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2015 (v11)  

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Instructional and Testing Accommodations


Note:  Student Compass Wizards are available throughout the MD Online IEP and provide guidance in completing sections where they are included.  Use of the Wizards is provided under Additional IEP Functions in this User Guide.   


1.  Select Instructional and Testing Accommodations from the IEP Table of Contents or from the navigation drop-down list in the section title located on each of the IEP pages.


Instructional and Testing Accomodations


2.  If Instructional and Testing Accommodations are required, complete the relevant Presentation, Response, Timing and Scheduling, and Setting Accommodations. Document the basis for decision for all choices to indicate how the accommodation will be administered.


3.  Click the SAVE button and a notification that the information has been successfully saved will appear.


4.  If no Instructional and Testing Accommodations are required, select check box “Instructional and testing accommodations were considered and no instructional testing accommodations are required at this time" at the bottom of the screen.  A "discussion to support decisions" will become available.  Enter text and click the SAVE button.


Instructional and Testing Accommodations