Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2015 (v11)  

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Supplementary Aids, Services, Program Modifications and Supports

1.  Select Supplementary Aids, Services, Program Modifications and Supports from the IEP Table of Contents or from the navigation drop-down list in the section title located on each of the IEP pages.
 2.  Choose the appropriate option:

A.  If Supplementary Aids, Services, Program Modifications and Supports were considered and are required at this time is chosen, enter Documentation to Support Decision(s), and click the SAVE button.  Then select Add Supplementary Aids, Services, Program Modifications and Supports button.

B.  If Supplementary Aids, Services, Program Modifications and Supports were considered and none are required at this time is chosen enter Discussion to Support Decision(s), and click the SAVE button.


Supplementary Aids


3.  For each Supplementary Aid, Service, Program Modification or Support , enter the required information, and select Save.  "Service nature" reflects indirect services as well as aids, program modifications and supports.


Supplementary Aids