Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program Online Referral System  

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Submitted Referrals

The Submitted Referrals screen will list all of your referrals, including action-related dates and current status.  

Submitted Referrals screen shot, showing action-related dates and status of referrals


Details for a submitted referral include child details, the dates of actions pertaining to the referral, and the current status of the referral (see below).  Click on the Status box (outlined in blue) to see the specific details of the referral.


Details of a submitted referral, showing dates of actions and current status



The Submitted Referrals screen has a Search function to locate referrals that are not visible in the list to the right.  Enter data into any of the fields on the left and the records that match that filter will show in a list to the right.


Search field populated on Submitted Referrals screen


If you want to export the records as comma-separated values (CSV) for an application like Excel, either Export All Records or choose specific filters to select a subset of the referrals and Export Filtered Records.


Search menu on the left of the submitted referrals screen


To navigate to the Dashboard, click on Dashboard.

To add another child for referral, click on Add Child.


Submitted Referrals screen









Online Referral System