Communication Tips
Whom should I contact if I am having technical difficulties?
Contact Technical Support at or 410-516-9856 (during normal business hours) if you experience any technical difficulties with the Electronic Learning Community (ELC).
How should I communicate with others?
The majority of communication takes place in the Discussion Forum within the ELC.
The Question Cafe serves as a place to communicate and receive feedback from colleagues. Feel free to check this forum often and offer support to others.
The Safety Net Forum is used for any questions, concerns, or comments that need to be addressed by a Moderator. Post urgent questions and concerns about course logistics only to this forum. These questions and concerns may relate to difficulty accessing materials and clarification of learning activities.
Are there any requirements for sending e-mail messages?
If you find it necessary to send an e-mail message to the Moderator, please observe the following guidelines:
• Include the title of the professional development offering (e.g.,Online Coaching 4 Teachers)
• Keep messages concise, and check spelling and grammar.
• Send longer messages as attachments.
• Use a positive tone and stay mindful of how your message could be interpreted.
• Include your first and last name.
Click here to access the presentation on: Tips for Communicating Effectively Online.