Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2014 (v10)  

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IEP Development

To begin completing elements of a student’s IEP, search for a student. Access to the Student's IEP can be reached by clicking the IEPs button located on the IEP Summary page or in the left panel.


Follow these steps to access a student's IEP:

1. Search for the Student by using the search bar at the top or the Search tab  in the Student Matrix section.


Lookup Button


2. Choose the Student by selecting the student from the  Cases tab  in the Student Matrix  section or from the Notification page.

Case Matrix


3.  Access the IEP Summary page and then click the IEPs button on the right side.


Navigate to IEP by clicking on the IEPs button from the left panel.

IEP Development


4.  Once the IEPs button is clicked, the IEP Module appears. 


5.  If there is an active IEP, this will be displayed with the IEP/Service Plan Table of Contents.  Active IEP, Amendment, Next IEP, or Past IEP’s options are available by clicking the section at the top.