Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2014 (v10)  

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Troubleshooting and Technical Support

If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the behavior of the MD Online IEP system, please contact your school or district designated person (often the Special Education Data Manager).


To prepare for reporting a technical issue, consider the doing the following:
•  Do you have the most recent version of the browser? Check the version of your browser and update it if it is not the most recent.  MD Online IEP system work with Internet Explorer 10.0 or higher. 
•  Disable pop up blockers.
•  Clear browser history and cache.
•  Only have 1 browser session active for the MD Online IEP system.  If there are multiple sessions for the MD Online IEP system, the sessions will all switch to the student in the active session and this will most likely cause data issues.

•  Close out of all programs and restart your computer. Repeat the steps you were attempting to do.
•  Take a screenshot or write down any error messages you receive. To take a screenshot of your monitor use the Print Screen button on your computer. Screenshots can be pasted into Word documents and/or attached to e-mails.
•  Note other programs that were open at the time the problem occurred.
•  Try to repeat your steps on another computer or with a different internet browser. Does it work on that computer? Does it work in Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome - versus Internet Explorer?
•  Think about the computer specifications of the computer you are using. In other words, does the computer have a current operating system?


Level One Support is the school and/or school district’s responsibility – either the district help desk, if one exists, or the MD Online IEP administrator can serve this role. The MD Online IEP administrator should document and communicate support procedures to all users. If Level One Support determines that the problem isn’t related to the Maryland Online IEP, but is hardware, system software, or a networking problem, the district’s normal process for reporting these types of problems and for getting support must be communicated to the user.


Level Two Support is considered to be CTE. Issues regarding IEP records or "bugs" in the system would be reported to the MD Online IEP Support Tracking System (MIST).  Designated users at the district level have been identified as points of contact for communication with the MD Online IEP Support Tracking system (MIST)