Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2015 (v11)  

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Academic and Functional Areas Assessed

The first step of completing the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance portion of the IEP is completing Areas Assessed.

1. Select Academic and Functional Areas Assessed from the IEP Table of Contents or from the navigation drop-down list in the section title located on each of the IEP pages.

The Academic and Functional Area Assessed page will be displayed.  To add an Area Areas, click the Add Area button.


Present Level


2.  Begin by selecting the appropriate Category (i.e.. Early Learning Skills, Academic, Health, Physical, and Behavioral.). Then select the appropriate Area. For Areas not listed, select Other and enter the specific area to be addressed in the space provided.  The category of “Other” can only be used once.  If this is used more than once then the IEP will not pass the close audits. This can be a NOTE.


Present Level

3.  Multiple sources used in the assessment process can be by selecting Set Source button, checking the sources and choosing the Select button at the bottom of the page. If other is chosen, a textbox will be provided to list any additional assessments not provided in the list.


4.  Does the area impact the student's academic achievement and/or functional performance? Indicate Yes or No for this question. If Yes, choose how the impact will be addressed in the student's IEP.  If A specific goal aligned to this area of impact is chosen, the MD Online IEP system will verify that a goal matching the category and area assessed is listed in the goal section.  If Supplementary Aids or Services, Embedded IEP Goals, or Services is chosen, the system will check that at least one item is included in the matching area of the IEP.  Although one of the choices must be checked, the area can be addressed in as many places in the IEP as needed.


Present Level


The final option, This area impacts academic achievement and/or functional performance but will NOT be addressed by a goal, supplementary aid, or service., is only available for Eligibility 2, Service Plans.


5.  After entering information in all the fields, click the SAVE button.  The area for which information was entered appears on the Areas Assessed page. Select the Edit button to make changes. Select the Write a Goal button to be taken to the goal page with the information carried forward, or select the Add Area button to enter information for another academic or functional area assessed.  Using the Delete button will move the information to the bottom of the page and can be restored, if necessary.  Once moved to the bottom of the page, the area will not print on the IEP.


Academic and Functional Areas