Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2015 (v11)  

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Academic and Functional Areas Assessed

For preschool-aged children there is the Early Leaning Skills Category that is to be used. There are 7 areas within the Early Learning Skills Category:  Social Foundations, Language and literacy, Mathematics, Science, Social studies, Physical well-being and motor development, and Fine arts can be referenced when completing the Academic and Functional Areas Assessed.


1.  Select Academic and Functional Areas Assessed from the IEP Table of Contents or from the navigation drop-down list in the section title located on each of the IEP pages.


Present Level


2.  Click on Add Area button.


Academic and Functional Areas Assessed


3.  Select an Early Learning Skill category from the drop-down list.  Select the appropriate area within the Early Learning Skills category.


Early Learning Skills


4.  Choose a Source from the list.  Early Learning Assessment (ELA) is an available option. Click Select to save the selected source.


Early Learning Skills


5.  Complete all other fields and click the Save button at the bottom.  The Academic and Functional Area Assessed page will be displayed with Early Learning Skills and the area selected.


6. If a category other than Early Learning Skills is selected for a preschool aged child, an alert window will appear.




7.  Click Write a Goal button for the appropriate Early Learning Skills.  Multiple goals can be created for a category and area assessed.


Write a goal


8.  Complete Goals form.  Click Save button.




 9.  The Goals screen will appear.




10.  Use the Student Compass Goal Wizard to assist in writing strong goals.




11.  Click the Edit button to proceed through the Goal Wizard.  Click Save and Next to go through this Goal Wizard. 


Goal Wizard