Maryland Online IEP System User Guide 2015 (v11)  

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Child Outcome Summary (COS) Process

Child Outcome Summary (COS) Process is completed when a child enters the program, while in the program (interim time), and exits the program.  The Entry form is slightly different than the Interim and Exit forms.

Completing Entry Child Outcome Summary Form

1.  After completing the Strengths and Needs Summary form, click on the Add COS button at the bottom of the page.


2.  Begin completing the form.  Select Entry from the drop-down list, enter the date and Source, and mark the box if the parent's input was not used to complete this form.  Click Save button.




3.  Click on the appropriate radio button for each section on the COS form.




4.  Click Save button.

Completing Interim and Exit forms Child Outcome Summary Form

1.  Go to the Strengths and Needs page from the IEP Table of Contents or from the navigation drop-down list in the section title located on each of the IEP pages and click on the Add COS button at the bottom of the page.


2. Begin completing the form.  Select Interim or Exit from the drop-down list, enter the date and Source, and mark the box if the parent's input was not used to complete this form.  Click Save button.


COS - Interim and Exit forms


3.  Click on the appropriate radio button for each section on the COS form.


COS - Interim and Exit forms


4.  Click on Yes or No radio button to answer the question of "Has the child shown any new skills or behaviors related to positive social-emotional development since last Strengths and Needs Summary?


5.  Click Save button.