TFA: Effective Practices in Teaching & Learning II_ All Modules (Master Course)  

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Technology for Today's Teacher: Getting Started

Teaching Today for the World of Tomorrow


As a teacher today, you are bombarded with calls for “21st-century learning,” but what does that really mean? Click here for some impressive statistics that define the world for which you are preparing your students.
As these statistics continue to multiply exponentially, your ability to prepare your students for a world not yet imaginable becomes ever more crucial.

Though you may be quite tech savvy in your personal life, you may not be as facile with ed-tech tools and networks that can open new doors to rigorous and authentic learning for your students. Take this Tech Savvy Teaching Quiz to find out. (Print and save your results. You will refer to them as you proceed through this module.)

This module will help you become better equipped to prepare your students for the ever-growing demands of the second millennium. You will gain hands-on experiences in professional networking and in investigations of emerging technologies that will keep you on the cutting edge of 21st-century teaching and learning.


 Before beginning Week 1, read the Module Description and Outcomes & Assessments page located on the left  navigation bar.