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Use Vocabulary from the Text

This is a pre-reading strategy that will get the students excited about what they are about to read. It is also an opportunity for a class-building activity that gets the students up and around.

This strategy allows the teacher to introduce vocabulary from the story while getting intrigue from the students about the reading passage. It may be used in other subjects than Reading, such as Science and Social Studies or History.


1. Key words chosen by the teacher from the reading passage are presented to the students and defined. These should include a character or two, actions words and descriptors.
2. Students arrange the words in categories based on their probable function in the story. These would include characters, setting, and plot and outcome.

Click here to access the "Use Vocabulary from the Text" template.

3. The students decide where the words fit and they then make a prediction about what the story will be about.
4. Refer back to the prediction after reading the passage and determine if the prediction was correct.