Up and About
Up and About is another pre-reading strategy to get the students interested in the topic or passage they will be reading.
This strategy can be used with students of elementary, middle and high school. It allows the students to move around the room and work together to determine predictions about the reading. The strategy can be used in many subject areas such as Social Studies, History, Science and even Math at times. Of course, it can always be used in Reading, English, Language Arts class.
1. Write statements from the story on index cards. These can be phrases or sentences directly from the story.
2. The children walk around the room reading each other’s cards and try to make predictions about the passage to be read.
3. After walking and sharing, they write a statement with a partner about what they think the story will be about.
4. After reading they go back to their prediction and see how close they were.
5. The teacher can give the students sticky notes to write their predictions on and then they can post them on chart paper and refer back to them after reading the story.