PGCPS 2012 ~ 2013  

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Boundless Learning Co-Teaching

A primary goal of the Boundless Learning Co-teaching program is to strengthen co-teaching partnerships and direct teachers' efforts toward increasing performance and learning among all students, including students with disabilities. To achieve that goal, the program is divided into two phases: 

Fundamentals: builds the foundation for 21st century co-teaching. This phase consists of Online Learning Events F#1, F#2, and F#3.

Step Up, Accelerate: advances co-teachers' skills in supporting specialized instruction, data analysis and instructional decision-making, and progress monitoring. This phase consists of Online Learning Events S#1, S#2, and S#3.


Throughout the year, you will engage in two types of focused activities both individually and with your co-teaching team members:

Online Learning Event (OLE)

OLEs are designed to guide you through protocols and processes for developing 21st century co-teaching teams. Each OLE follows the Boundless Learning Team-Based Cycle of Instruction:

Set Up—Establishes the purpose of the OLE and provides a Challenge Question to guide learning
Presentation—Presents the essential concepts, ideas, and skills of the OLE content
Learning Together—Structures in team practice and dialogue between co-teaching partners
Just For Me—Allows for individual reflection and commentary
Assessment—Checks for understanding of the essential concepts, ideas, and skills and provides an opportunity to respond to the OLE Challenge Question
Wrap-Up—Concludes the OLE with a survey for processing performance and OLE content

You will llearn more about the Team-Based Cycle of Instruction during the program along with ways the framework can assist your co-teaching team in designing and implementing effective instruction.


PD Booster

PD Boosters extend your learning from the OLEs, reinforcing concepts and providing relevant, just-in-time supports and enrichment. Each PD Booster contains:

Presentation—Builds on new ideas
Discussion—Provides an opportunity to exchange ideas and engage in online dialogue with other members of the professional learning community