PGCPS 2012 ~ 2013  

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View the presentation focused on Student Compass/ClassView and the accompanying Instructional Strategies Bank. The presentation can be accessed by clicking on the link below. The structure of the presentation allows you to pause or advance through it at your own pace. You will need internet connection and your audio should be turned on. In order to read the script of the audio recording while viewing, click on the "Notes" tab in the presentation window.

While you are viewing, think about:

  • Specific tools and techniques your co-teaching team can use or adapt for student instruction in the areas of:
    • Presentation
    • Response
    • Timing and Scheduling
    • Setting

Student Compass/ClassView & Instructional Strategies Bank


Presentation: Student Compass/ClassView & Instructional Strategies Bank (6 minutes)

This presentation introduce the Student Compass/ClassView and provides an overview of the organization of techniques and tools within the Instructional Strategies Bank