Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program Online Referral System  

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Child Information

Complete the screens about the Child's Information.  


1.  Identify the child's sex using the drop-down list.  Click the  Save and Continue button.


Child information - sex


2.  Select the child's primary language from the drop-down list.  Click the Save and Continue button.

Child information - primary language selected by dropdown


3.  Type the child's address in the textboxWait.  As you are typing the address, a google address will appear under the text box.  Verify and select the complete address with the google logo to the left.  This action will populate all text fields for the address.  


child information - address


    Confirm the child's address.  Click the Save and Continue button.


Child address with fields populated


4.  Type the child's gestational age at birth.  Click the Save and Continue button.


Child information - gestational age


7.  The Parent/Guardian and Family Information screen will appear.





Online Referral System