Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program Online Referral System  

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Supporting Documentation

1.  Click the Add File button to add supporting documentation.


Supporting documentation screen shot


2.  Click the box with the directions, "Click or Drag and Drop a File to Upload" .  Select a file from your computer or Drag a file from your Windows Explorer window to the "Click or Drag and Drop a File to Upload" box.  

Adding a file as supporting documentation


3.  Type a description for the supporting document. Click Save and Continue button.


Screen shot confirming a file added and description added


4.  The attached file will be listed.  Click the Add File button and repeat the steps above to add additional supportive documentation.  NOTE: you can download a file by clicking on the downward arrow next to the file or you can delete the file by clicking on the trashcan icon.

Supporting documentation screen shot


5.  Click the Save and Continue button.  The Submit Referral screen will appear.





Online Referral System