PGCPS 2012 ~ 2013  

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Set Up

To launch this Online Learning Event, view the video entitled “Boundless Learning & Engaging Students”.


The 21st century offers boundless learning opportunities for students of all ages. Information and communication technologies allow teachers to connect, communicate, and collaborate in multiple ways to reach an increasingly diverse population of learners. At the same time, these technologies bring a rapid pace, on-demand world of distractions. How do educators compete? What works to help students stay engaged in academic content?


This Online Learning Event helps co-teachers capitalize on their knowledge and strengths as a team to create a dynamic learning environment that captivates and motivates students to learn and grow. As you continue your exploration of the TBCI, you will gain a deeper understanding of the last four stages: Learning Together, Just for Me, Assessment and Wrap Up. You will work collaboratively to apply your understanding as you complete a TBCI Role Protocol. The intention is to help you combine your individual talents as educators and improve your students’ achievement through your unified effort and efficiency in planning and instruction.


Challenge Question

Throughout this session, keep the Challenge Question in mind:

How do designated co-teaching roles within each Team Based Cycle of Instruction stage promote student engagement?

You will construct a meaningful response to this question during the Assessment component of this Online Learning Event.