PGCPS 2012 ~ 2013  

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Learning Together

The purpose of this activity is to complete your TBCI Role Protocol as a co-teaching team for the last four stages of your cycle of instruction. This protocol documents shared and equal status roles and responsibilities between your co-teaching team throughout an entire instructional period.


1) Prepare for the activity. As a team, locate the Team-Based Cycle of Instruction Role Protocol you completed in Online Learning Event 2. If you prefer to start from the beginning, download the Team-Based Cycle of Instruction Role Protocol template and save it to the computer. Choose one person to be the recorder for your team.


2) Collaborate as a team to complete the document:

  • Review the four remaining stages of the Team-Based Cycle of Instruction and the purpose within each stage.
  • Revisit the time percentages for each stage as you segmented your lesson into the six stages of the TBCI. Make any adjustments needed to the Time column.
  • Write a detailed plan for Learning Together, Just for Me, Assessment, and Wrap Up. Consider ways you might use technology tools to help you accomplish your lesson objectives. Use the Wrap Up Template to help you implement a structured and consistent Wrap Up routine at the close of your lesson.
  • Indicate specific roles for each member of your co-teaching team during these stages of instruction.

3) After completing the template, use the H: High Performing, O: On-Track, T: Target Improvement rating system to evaluate the balance of roles and responsibilities among all members of your team.






All team members are assigned specific roles during Learning Together, Just for Me, Assessment and Wrap Up.


Tasks assigned to specific team members represent equal-status.


All team members are actively involved in the entire instructional process from Set Up to Wrap Up.



4) Save your TBCI Role Protocol file and make a copy available to your school leaders. You may share your protocol electronically or print a copy.