PGCPS 2012 ~ 2013  

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Set Up

Consider the quote from authors Ysseldyke, Burns, Scholin, and Parker1 writing about assessment and instructional decision making:


"The best way to make decisions about how to teach is to teach, and gather data on the relative effectiveness of alternative instructional approaches or interventions. Essentially, the task is to monitor progress and use data to make instructional modifications; such is the thinking that underlies precision teaching..." (p. 54).


Think about your instructional decisions.

  • How does your co-teaching team gather data on the effectiveness of your approaches and interventions?
  • How does your team monitor student progress?
  • How precise are the instructional decisions you make?

During this Online Learning Event, you will explore the Snapshot Data Tool as a resource for adding precision to your instructional decision making as a co-teaching team.

Challenge Question

Throughout this session, keep the Challenge Question in mind:


How can co-teachers efficiently compile "real-time" student performance data so it is accessible and guides planning for differentiated instructional activities?


You will construct a meaningful response to this question and share it with your colleagues in the Electronic Learning Community during the Assessment component of this Online Learning Event.


1Ysseldyke, J., Burns, K.W., Scholin, S.E., & Parker, D.C. (2010). Instructionally valid assessment within response to intervention. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42 (4), 54-61.