PGCPS 2012 ~ 2013  

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Explore the image below to learn about ways to collect, organize and use data to accelerate your students' learning. The objectives on the chalkboard take you through the steps for viewing a narrated presentation and examining a case study. As you interact with the content, think about:

  • Do you have a systematic way to collect, organize, analyze, and use student progress data on a regular basis?
  • How often do you and your co-teacher(s) review and discuss results of student assessments? Daily? Weekly? Monthly?
  • How much time do you have to review student progress data and plan for differentiated instructional activities?
  • Who tracks how well the class, student groups, or individuals are progressing? In co-taught classes, is data tracked by the general educator, special educator, or both?
  • Are you able to track trends in your students' performance over time?
  • How does the data help you personalize learning for your students?

To get started, click on the blue book, Data Data.